Saturday, July 05, 2008
Off the Wall/On the Wall @ City Lights Gallery in Bridgeport, CT
In March, I curated a show at City Lights Gallery in Bridgeport, CT focusing on artists that use cartooning imagery in their work. (I'm finally getting around to posting the information.) This was my first curating experience and it was a blast. It was an exciting and fun show, the most successful for the gallery. The artists were great to work with and the gallery staff were extremely supportive.
I gave a lecture on cartooning as a language which you can read here.
Besides the awesome artwork, the show included an art "happening" where a large piece of Tyvek was placed on a wall with a cup of sharpie markers and the public was invited to write and draw whatever they wanted. We got a lot of great contributions from people in the neighborhood as well as visitors.
Here's a picture of the fun (with Looketha's paintings in the background):
Moses Jaen, one of the artists posted a great slide show of the pics he took:
Here are links to some of the press coverage we got. You may have to scroll to the bottom of some of these and some may have been archived (requiring an account to download):
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